Friday, August 5, 2011

Polyvore Collections, Pictures and News... Oh my!

{My "little sister" Alyssa and I. She's like my little sis cause' I've known her since she was five and we've kind of been best friends ever since. She calls me one of her role models, but I consider that flattery. She's wearing my shirt, my belt and my favorite feather extension; silly girl. She just moved back to AZ after moving to Washington for a couple years, so we've spent a nice bit of time together in the past week!}

{I forgot to post this picture a few days ago! This is a picture of me and one of my best friends Britt! It's from my friend's 18th birthday party and we're sippin' some of that delicious kool-aid!}

Now, for my news!

I am now the proud owner of an iPhone4! My Droid keeled over and this was my first choice for a replacement! I've wanted an iPhone for a couple years now and I'm happy I finally have my hands on one! It's great! I love how easy it is to use, especially how I can coordinate it with my macbook; that's especially handy! 

I really need a case for it though! I got a quick one to probably return from Walmart, but found out, once it was out of the package, that it was definitely not gonna even close to protect my phone! So, I'm going to the Verizon store tomorrow (hopefully) to get one that won't give me the chance of breaking my phone! 

Another special thing is happening tomorrow! I'll be working all day at the school for drama paperwork and painting and organizing, but then we're going to "First Friday" which is where all these artists and jewelry makers set up shop all over Phoenix so you can shop and browse! It's really a sight to see and I'm really excited to be going! Yay art!

Now, for that title of mine!

You see the far right set? That's mine! I'm so wowed that I was put in one of Polyvore's collections! Much less, the Principles of Print Collection! That set is part of my entry to have a chance to be a guest editor for Glamour! Can you even believe that chance? I want it so badly! I love doing Q&A and blogging, obviously, so it's a perfect fit! I just feel really lucky to even make it into a hand-picked collection out of hundreds of sets! It's an awesome feeling!

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