Tuesday, July 26, 2011

tied together with a smile

Sorry I haven't been at the liberty to post lately! I didn't think summer could ever be this busy! I got back a few days ago from California, like I said, and did have a pretty great time, but I'm still pretty tuckered out! I visited quite a few colleges which put some stress on me because it made me realize how close it was to me having to decide where I'm going and what I'm doing; that point seemed so far away to me, but it's obviously just around the corner. I'm not unhappy about it, it's just a bit of a stress. But I know things will work out eventually, so I'm just trying to have a little faith!
I'm also going to try and make my writing on this blog a little more luster-ish (opposite of lack-luster). I've been using my creative brain quite a bit more and I've been expanding my wardrobe possibilities, so expect more looks, especially once school starts! Things will go well, I know they will, it's just gonna take a little more dedication on my part!

Side note: New season of Project Runway  premieres on Thursday! 20 designers this time around! Who's excited? I know I am!

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