Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My So-Called Life.

I've had quite a few adventures in the past couple of months. It's been interesting. I'm not gonna lie, but as lovely as it is, I'm so ready to get home. Part of me feels like going home is when I'm really going to start my life, because I'm setting things up for myself to work out how I actually want it to, not how others want things to work out.

A picture of me at the Met before we saw a trio of ballet pieces. I love my learning community here at Wagner because I get to go see shows all the time! (It sure beats crazy research papers.)

I'm feeling fall and woodsy-ish lately. I just really want it to be Thanksgiving already! Being an Arizona native, Fall-Winter doesn't start in my head until Thanksgiving.

Fire trucks outside our dorms for the, what, three fire evacuations we had in a period of two days? #ReasonsIHateWagner

Shot on the plane going home for a break. I just really loved the tone of the colors with the sliver of pink. When I landed, someone brought me flowers and I wish I had gotten a picture of those!

From Delicatessen, Chicken Paillard. It was absolutely delicious and so different than college food. (Thank God.) I really suggest Delicatessen, it's on Prince and around so many awesome little stores and it's a pretty fun area, especially to people watch. The place itself is adorable. It's like my pinterest boards and modernism mixed together. The website just gives you a taste of its lovliness. 

The only redeeming thing about Wagner is its photograph-ability.

Lime seltzer and my license plate at SoHo Park. The atmosphere is lovely. It literally looks like a park. It's so gorgeous. The food is great, too. I've been there twice and no regrets so far! The Shawndog is like Germany on a bun.

I'm going to try and revamp and get a schedule going for this blog... Maybe even adopt a new platform... Who knows? I think I'm going to play around with it for a while. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

dreaming of a white christmas.

dreaming of a white christmas.

Anybody else desperately craving the holidays right now? Because I am. I've been pinteresting lovely Christmas party ideas all morning and am drooling at the thought of peppermint mochas and the smell of pine trees. So lovely. I just want it to be Christmas-time already! I'm excited for white lights, cider and snow too. T'will be lovely. I'm already planning a Christmas shindig and it's not even October... Silliness! But I'm pretty excited... Bring on the red and green!

Monday, September 17, 2012


I thought I would share how I've decorated my room! If there's anything I love at my school; it's my dorm. It's a true reflection of who I am! So, here's a peek into my dorm room!

Overview of my room in general before I really did anything to it...

Above my desk before I attacked it!

All the Broadway programs I've found in the city. :)

Back of my desk with some inspiration. I played around with it a bit last night!

My dinosaur lamp, teapot with flowers in it and jewelry box.

Above my desk after I'd be playing around with it.

Above my bed that I LOVE. That's what she said.

Covered a tissue box because I was bored out of my mind...

My lightbulb string lights underneath my bed.

View out my window of beautiful NYC.

I'll probably change it up more soon... But we'll see!

Have I mentioned...?

I'm living in NYC right now. Well, not quite NYC but Staten Island. It's been interesting. It's been busy. It's been absolutely crazy. It's also been a really cool experience, but rather overwhelming. Since I've been here, I've dyed my hair twice, decorated my room 100 times, seen 4 broadway shows, slept in 3 times and sprained my hand, wrist and elbow... Is the gravity just different here than Arizona or what? 
I have a feeling this year is going to host some new changes for me. I really don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing next semester, to be honest... But more on that later.
I've been craving pretty floral arrangements lately. I keep walking by the flower district and swooning... I really need to make a trip into the city just for flowers. 

Not only are they gorgeous, but they smell heavenly. I can't get over it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This Summer...


Dyed my hair blonde.

Went to San Francisco (and looked like a 90's child...)

Got a beautiful Macbook Pro.

Took loooooooooooots of pictures.

Was in West Side Story.

Went to Disneyland with my best friend. 
Oh, and dip-dyed my hair teal.
And wore a freaking awesome tire hat that one could only get away with in Disneyland.

Went to Mexico with my best friend and little sister.

Cooked a lot.

Experimented with fashion a bit.

And then? I got ready for college.

Wagner College Class of 2016 baby!

That means I'll be moving to New York! So, this blog will detail my adventures! And boy will there be some adventures for sure. So, if I don't update before I go off to the east coast, I'll see you on the flip side!