Monday, June 20, 2011


In case you haven't read my last few posts, I thought I'd let you know that I'm leaving for Europe! Tomorrow, actually! I'm going to London, Paris, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria... It's going to be quite the trip! I'm not going to be the most fashion-conscious person, as I'm limited in what I can wear; we have dumb rules!
- No shorts
- No tank tops
- Close toed shoes only
- No tight pants (Ie: Jeggings, Leggings, Skinny jeans)
- Advisory of not wearing jeans
- No yoga pants (not even on the plane)
- no t-shirts

Now, if that's not ridiculous, I don't know what is.

But, nevertheless, I'm quite excited.
Flight leaves early tomorrow morning so gotta get some sleep!
I hope to hear from you guys when I get back and I hope to see awesome posts on your blogs when I return, too!
There's a 50% possibility that I'll have wifi at some point, so I may check in, but, for now...

Au revoir!
Auf wiedersehen!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Meet my new suitcase!

Source: via Dani on Pinterest

I was feeling skeptical about this suitcase the moment I saw it. It looked SO small! Then, I reminded myself about those stupid pockets on those soft-sided, 15-pound suitcases that are sitting in the depths of our practically "leading to Narnia" closet and immediately put it out of my mind. The suitcase was priced at our local Samsonite Company Store at $90. Yet, I found the original price to be a bit over $300! EEK! I figured there had to be something wrong with it.
But then I looked at it some more and I was ever-so attracted to the vintage-y but modern look to it. It was fashionable. It looked like one of those suitcases that the jetting new hollywood starlette would be rolling through the airport with her huge sunglasses, trying to hide from the press. It just gave me the feeling of hollywood glam.
So I convinced my dad that this was the one.
I got home and decided to pack my month worth of clothes for my dad's house in it and to see how it fits.
Thirty garments later?
I still had room for the kitchen sink.

So now I'm really excited to use this suitcase for my trip to Europe!

7 days!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Forever21 sunglasses

30 for 30 Challenge Twist

I've decided to start Kendi's 30 for 30 challenge! Now, this is going to be a supreme challenge for me. But, I'm putting a twist on this challenge.
I'm only choosing some of my clothes in the mix for when I go to Europe and then wearing that mixed with whatever I pick when I get back.
I know it's going to be a stretch and kind of deviates from the 30/30 rules, but I'm trying to do what I can and work this in!
I'm going to Europe for 15 days and that's going to be my remix.
I know I couldn't stick to something for thirty days straight, so I decided to start with a smaller, more reachable goal and this is it!
I'll be posting my items soon, but thought I'd let you know! :D

Of course, this could backfire. But I hope it doesn't and I'm gonna do anything to ensure that!
I will be gone for those fifteen days with limited or no internet access though, so when I stop posting, you'll know when I'm gone! Gonna miss blogging and reading blogs, but I'm so so so excited to be going to Europe for the first time! I'm touring London, Paris, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy! And all in fifteen days! Call me crazy, but it's happening!

I'll be starting the challenge on June 21st!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Giving Keys [Check this out!]

{Via: The Giving Keys}

So, what exactly is The Giving Keys? Learn more about the charity here.

I think it's a beautiful idea and I think I'll be ordering one soon. Just trying to get the word out about something so amazing. I wish the best of luck to the people this is affecting and hope this organization grows to be known by everyone, as it is truly amazing.

*I'm not being paid by this organization to "advertise" it; I merely wanted to get something I found heartwarming out there.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sprinkles of the Day: June 6th 2011

This Is Me- Camp Rock


fashionation1 thumb up
To have a fascination with someone's fashion sense which does not necessarily mean you like or dislike.

Could also describe a fascination with fascism. Such as the fascination with fascist fashion.
I have a fashionation with her outfit.

What has she got on? I don't know if I like it, but I do have a fashionation with that.


{Via: i can read}
s u m m e r 2 0 1 1 <3

s u m m e r 2 0 1 1 <3 by ɗisɳifieɗ♥ on

Wow. It's finally summer. Well, "summer". Teenage summer anyways. A week into this summer, actually. I used to really dislike summer. I thought of it as time to be lazy, waste time and loiter in the mall. But this summer is somehow different. I have new friends. I don't think I've ever been this close to people before. I've hung out with my lovely friends almost every day of break so far, yes, we may fight, but we're still best friends. I don't know what I'd do without them. This summer is going to be different.

25 Things I'm Planning On Doing This Summer 2011

  1. Going to Europe
  2. Hanging out with friends
  3. Eating lots and lots of popsicles
  4. Losing weight
  5. Dancing til' I pass out
  6. Composing music
  7. Writing songs
  8. Getting better at playing piano
  9. Taking lots of pictures
  10. Working on next year's Shakespeare show
  11. Partying
  12. Going to the beach
  13. Making jewelry
  14. Sewing
  15. Reading
  16. Blogging
  17. Finding new music to love
  18. Reinventing myself
  19. Organizing my room
  20. Organizing my computer
  21. Taking three online classes
  22. Watching lots of movies
  23. Show concept designs
  24. Not being lazy
  25. Having fun
I'd say I'm pretty ready for a full summer, whadya say?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

my adorable friends.

On Sunday, my friends and I had a "Spa" party with facials, lotions, exfoliating... And naturally when you have a spa party, you have to invite your guy friends; they make it fun! So my best friends all came over and we got our party on and then they all decided to raid my closet. You see, my closet is trashed right now, as is my entire room, so they thought it'd be so fun to make it even messier; of course! 
But we had an incredibly fun photo shoot. And these are just some of the pictures that resulted from it!